Friday, September 29, 2006

Looking forward to another fun weekend

Tonight we start with the festivities 'round the Grand Arts Center. I want to tour the Fabulous Fox, and then maybe catch some of the Voltron movie they're playing outside. No time to catch the punk show at the Creepy Crawl- I'm expected to stick my head in at the SLU Studio Art Faculty Show. There's an opening at Ellen Curlee tonight, too, but I think we'll skip it. Opening are too tight in that shotgun space. It'll probably be open next week for First Friday, anyway.

Saturday starts off with a StudioSTL roundtable in the morning, followed by a (hopefully) leisurely afternoon, the Alison Bechdel reading at Left Bank Books at 7:00, and maybe some City Museum fun after that.

Sunday? After the weekly call to Mom, we're meeting our friend Ann for a walk around Francis Park and its Art in the Park affair, then we're off to another StudioSTL meeting & BBQ. Maybe after that we'll curl up for some quiet time at home. Maybe. Posted by Picasa

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