Sunday, September 17, 2006

Friday Night @ Stroud's

Stroud's has a huge reputation and a long wait on Friday nights. The food was good, but I enjoyed the evening more for the time with my friends than for the fried chicken. Next time we go to KC I'm going to hunt down some bbq.

The yard kept us entertained for part of the hour long wait.

I lost track of the family in the background. I'm not sure, but I think they may have fed the baby to the swans.

The outdoor dining area, for receptions and such.

The protestant chapel. Yes, I say this like it's perfectly normal to have a chapel outside a restaurant. The gate was locked, so we didn't go in and mess with the organ. I like the hellfire-colored window in the background.

The catholic chapel. Honestly, I thought the other chapel looked a little catholic until I saw this one. I mean, you know, it had statues. Lurking on the edge of this photo are several more statues, including a creepy baby with a crown and Mary Magdalene.

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