Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Last Friday on Grand

To get ready for this Friday's First Friday gallery walk downtown, I'm looking at last Friday's pictures from a stroll around the Grand Arts Center.




Sunday, May 20, 2007

Friday night @ After

We decided to check out the new diner on Manchester, After. I had a lot of fun. I'm not saying the food was perfect or anything like that. I'm just saying I had a really good time. To be fair, I'm sure they've never had a party of nine at 7:30 on a Friday night before. Their crowd shows up later, after the bars start closing. (One of the 4 Purdue grads at the table mentioned West Lafayette's XXX Diner, but that's another story.) Anyway, Julie's mac & cheese was wonderful, and my patty melt w/ fries was great. Maybe Julie will give you the details of the great meatloaf debacle - followed by the icy Icelandic cod, the cheerfully denied water, and the forgotten omelet. I'm really just here for the pictures.

Every scrap of mac & cheese cheerfully disappeared.

Here's our 9 scoop sundae, reassembled. Our waitress, realizing how difficult it would be to build an appetizing 10 scoop sundae, offered to break it up into individual bowls for us.

Friday, May 18, 2007




Julie & stopped for a stroll around Lafayette Square Park on our way home last night. I thought St. Louis had something like 15 or 16 parks in the city limits, not counting the little plazas downtown. I just checked the Parks Division Website. The list of all 105 city parks was pretty impressive.

After we left Lafayette Square we visited the brand new Noodles & Co in Hampton Village. As part of their grand opening, they were running a fund raiser for Francis Park, another city favorite, and one of the four parks we can walk to from our house. The noodles were good, and the crowd was non-stop. Here's hoping they raised some serious cash for Francis.

P.S.: The torn rotator cuff is mending. The head cold is fading with every annoying cough.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

JD & I Lunch @ Stellina Pasta with Cath

stellina's pasta

stellina's sandwich

Good food. The pics don't do it justice. I didn't get a snap of the house salad before JD and I devoured it.

P.S.: In completely unrelated news, I have a huge honking head cold on top of a torn rotator cuff.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

More from the weekend

The pink rocking poodle was huge. Here, look at these typewriter guts instead:


Just kidding. Here's a baby eye view of the poodle ride:
pink B