Friday, May 23, 2008

Get on your bikes and ride!

Today, Julie & I are wandering 600-odd miles east into western Pennsylvania. Yes, it's the annual Memorial Day trip to visit my dad. Possible activities for this trip include an overnight or two in Confluence, a bike ride through the Big Savage Tunnel, being tourists at Kentuck Knob, a gallery hop along East Carson to visit The Silver Eye, and maybe a day in Oakland to visit the Carnegie and The O.

Of course, this trip hits right on a weekend of fun things to see and do in STL, so I'm a little disappointed. I would have LOVED to go to Mad Art last night for Unknown Hinson and 7 Shot
Screamers. Also, the Webster Film Series got their hands on a new 35mm print of Eraserhead, and they're playing it this weekend. Eraserhead!

Oh well. Hope everyone has a good long weekend. I'll probably post from PA, but it'll be even more spotty than usual. It kind of depends on the state of Dad's networking, and I'm a little burnt out on tech support right now.

Wish us luck.

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