Monday, July 31, 2006

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Connected again

I'm back in the world of computers and telecommunications. My weekend in Confluence & Ohiopyle was productive and restful. I'll show more of it when I get back to St. Louis.

Confluence, PA, from the biker tourist point of view:
Confluence: Biker View

Highly over-romanticized.

Confluence, PA, from the townie point of view:
Confluence: Townie View

Still misleading - it looks too dense and urban.

More about this later. It's time to rest if I'm going to drive 10 hours tomorrow.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tonight, live from the backyard...

Originally uploaded by fridayn.

Yes, folks, tonight entry in the backyard animal show: six turkeys. The doe ran away before I could snap a pic of her, but I did find these lovely birds just sitting there waiting for their closeup.

In related new, this led conversation around to Thanksgiving. I think my sister is leaning toward Turducken this year.

More later. I'm off to meet Whitney.

Is it Thursday already?

I think I've finally slipped into vacation mode; I didn't wake up until the alarm went off this morning. Why set an alarm on vacation? Breakfast. Today we had pecan waffles. Yesterday we had blueberry pancakes. Tuesday we had omelettes and sausage. You can always count on this family to do up the food.

Today should be pretty calm for me. Dad needs to wait for a delivery truck this morning, then we may go to the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum if there's time this afternoon. I don't know how many Trolley pictures I'll have immediately since I may just use B&W film in the Nikon and not take the digital at all. I probably won't know until I pack the camera bag to go.

Later, after dinner, I'll hang out with Whitney at her new pad. Then it'll be time to make my shopping list and think about going to Confluence Friday.

Confluence and Ohiopyle will be my mini vacation within a vacation. No nephews, no excitement, just me, my cameras and some rocks, water & trees. I'll stay there Friday and Saturday nights, then come back to Murrysville on Sunday. I won't have internet access out there, but I may try the audioblog thing (if I can get a cell signal - it is the middle of nowhere).

The showers have started. The kid crew must be getting ready for today's adventure. I'll go be sociable for a couple minutes before they disappear.

faceoff over the clover

faceoff over the clover
faceoff over the clover
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

A tighter shot of Export's fauna.


Originally uploaded by fridayn.

See the little brown spec to the right of Dad's shed? That's the groundhog. He's in the yard every night, munching away. The kids love to watch him as he tears up the grass. Grandpa is less entheusiastic.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

South Side

South Side
South Side
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles just don't get enough play these days.

Silver Eye Center for Photography

Silver Eye Center for Photography
Silver Eye Center for Photography
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

As seen from the restroom. You didn't think I was going to take pictures of other people's pictures, did you?

South Side

South Side
South Side
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

Shoe repair - what a concept. If you look closely, Anne's reflected in the window.

our tour guide

our tour guide
our tour guide
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

In all the times I've been to this museum, I don't think I've been on a tour since I was in grade school. We decided to join this woman's tour. It was clear she loves the museum and it's been a part of her life for many years. The painting is an early one by some guy named Monet.

I was there to look at Ansel Adams' vacation scrapbook from 1938.

perfectly normal Pittsburgh stairs

perfectly normal Pittsburgh stairs
perfectly normal Pittsburgh stairs
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

come watch us build

come watch us build
come watch us build
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

Anne and I went to Oakland and the South Side today. Summer camps and classes must be in full swing. If you can't read the sign, it says: "Supplies for CMA Architecture & Geometry class. Please don't remove! *Come watch us build! 9-11 on July 25, 2006"

their mom makes a mess

bubbling mud
bubbling mud
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

This vat of clay/mud had air percolating through it. It looked just like the mud pots in Yellowstone, but it was cold. I stayed clean until Ben helped me close the air valve. He slimed me.

No, they're supposed to do that

No, they're supposed to do that
No, they're supposed to do that
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

The children's museum has a huge room set aside for playing in water. We sank boats in whirlpools, poured water theough waterwheels, sprinkled water on anything that sat still, and splashed water on anyone who looked too dry. Reb and I tried to stay out of the way, but I did like making whirlpools.

perfectly normal parking lot

perfectly normal parking lot
perfectly normal parking lot
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by fridayn.

The Children's Museum in Pittsburgh has so many places to climb. The 'phews were pretty well worn out tonight.

Dad's top shelf

Dad's top shelf
Dad's top shelf
Originally uploaded by fridayn.

This room is great. I think I'm the only guest they could ever let stay in here, but I fit in perfectly. Dad has six foot high wire shelves along two walls holding books, computers and printers.

Random sampling of book titles:
- Product Design with Plastics
- MathCAD for Introductory Physics
- Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook
- Making Wood Handles, Hinges & Knobs
- Creative Casting
- Performance Welding
- Performance Motorcycles

Five minutes to dinner! Time to be Aunt Elaine, again.

Yes, I'm in Pennsylvania

Hope all is well in the real world. I'll start the virtual postcards shortly.