Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Safes at The Firebird

After a week of not wanting to put anything near my tender nose, I picked up my camera again. I didn't use it too much, but I wanted to grab some shots of The Safes when they came down from Chicago.




It was another night of playing with the new camera and my RAW software. Shooting in the dark isn't much of a challenge with the D5100. Friday night I decided to see how "filmish" I could get. It's not my normal way of working; I don't generally waste my time twisting one media to resemble another. Everyone has moods, though, right?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ohiopyle State Park, Western PA

I try to visit this park every time I go back to Pennsylvania.




Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

I didn't brave the heat for any fireworks this year. Have some colorful pics from last week's Pride Parade instead.





Sunday, July 03, 2011

Wednesday night at Off Broadway

The new camera does really well in low light, and it works with all of my old Nikon lenses.

Holcombe Waller
I took this pic of Holcome Waller (in his fancy shirt!) from the balcony of Off Broadway with a 40 year old 200mm lens.

Haley Bonar
And here's Haley Bonar...

Daniel Martin Moore
and Daniel Martin Moore.

It was a good show. Exactly what I needed last week.

Playing with light in Tower Grove Park

For the record, I'm really happy with the Nikon D5100.


