Monday, June 30, 2008

More Rides of Pride

I thought she was way to small for this thing, and her shoes were all wrong, but she handled it beautifully.

Big Crank is more my speed.

Sweet paint job - and it didn't die in the rain.

The Rides of Pride

Okay, the next few days are just going to look a little queer. I took a lot of pics at Sunday's Pride Parade. We got there a little late, so we missed Band Together's march, but it was still a good parade.

I figured I break the photos up by subject this week. To start, we have some lovely transportation.


Yeah, the bikes are cool, but you know I'm just coveting these boots:

I'm getting a scooter, as soon as my rotator cuff is strong enough...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Wednesday Night @ MOBOT

Julie & I claimed a swatch of the Botanical Garden Wednesday night to listen to Le Jazz Hot. My suggestions for visiting one of the Whittier concerts at the Garden:

It's vital to pick a good tree to lounge under, especially if you fully intend to spend most of the night laying on your back staring at it.

Keep your spread simple & comfortable.

Don't keep bugging people while they're trying to read.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rockin Ann's Birthday

Paws prepares for the invasion.

Players warm up on analog goodness.

The bassist rules.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Baby works the room, Saturday Night

Aunt Cathy nibbles.

Godfather Greg converses.

It pays to plan your next lap well in advance.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The more things change

I raided Julie's Flickr account for these. I would just like to point out that 20 years passed between the top photo and the lower 2, and I still can't seem to show my entire face for a portrait. Also, I think the same photographer took these. No, not Julie. I'm pretty sure she was in grade school when the first pic was taken. Also, I'm very careful not to look like I'm flipping her off when she takes my picture. Not that I was flipping anyone off in the first pic. It just looks that way because my cherubic cheeks are blocking my other finger.
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Sunny Sunday in Forest Park

Forest Park is nicely lush this spring.



I once did a family's photo shoot from one of those little paddle boats.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Kites on Art Hill

We got together with some friends for food and kites a couple Sundays ago. The wind was too quiet for any of my kites, but a couple people had small fighter kites that went up for a while.


This sled did okay, too.

Cath made her own shade.